Partnerių paieška
Norėdamos teikti paraiškas programos „Kūrybiška Europa“ didžiajai daliai paprogramės KULTŪRA ir TARPSEKTORINIŲ kvietimų Lietuvos organizacijos turi turėti užsienio projekto partnerius. Būtent stiprios tarptautinės partnerystės yra sėkmingos paraiškos pagrindas.
Ar turite projekto idėją, tačiau neturite projekto užsienio partnerių?
Jeigu turite idėją projektui, tačiau neturite užsienio partnerių šiam projektui įgyvendinti, užpildykite šią formą ir atsiųskite ją el. paštu
Mes pasidalinsime jūsų užpildyta forma su visais programos „Kūrybiška Europa“ nacionaliniais biurais, kurie savo ruožtu jas paviešins su savo auditorijomis – tai galiausiai gali išsivystyti į produktyvią užsienio partnerių paiešką.
Apačioje taip pat rasite kitų užsienio organizacijų užpildytas partnerių paieškos formas.
Jos pravers, jei norėtumėte prisijungti prie jau sugalvotos projekto idėjos įgyvendinimo arba norėtumėte išvystyti projekto idėją su panašius interesus turinčiomis organizacijomis
Ši partnerių paieškos apžvalga yra nuolat pildoma.
DĖMESIO: Kai kurios užsienio partnerių paieškos formos yra labai konkrečios ir susijusios su gan gerai išvystytomis projektų idėjomis. Kitos partnerių paieškos formos išreiškia bendresnį kultūros organizacijų norą dalyvauti ES programoje „Kūrybiška Europa“ bei tai, kad šios organizacijos yra atviros įvairioms projekto idėjoms. Paprastai tokios partnerių paieškos formos neturi griežto termino, iki kada ieškoma partnerių, tad šiame polapyje tokios formos bus rodomos ilgiau.
MUZIKA | Užsienio organizacijų užpildytos partnerių paieškos formos
Organisation name:Reveil Global
Country: Belgium
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: We are applying for a European CREA-CULT-COOP-2 grant to be able to give a 33% FTE remuneration for a national ambassador who can start up the consolation concert movement in their country. Of course with a lot of help from us. We already made an international website name: KOLORÁDÓ FESTIVAL
Country: Hungary
Call: European Cooperation Projects (any scale)
Which kind of projects are you looking for? We are particularly interested in partnerships that support innovative artistic expressions, interdisciplinary projects, and sustainable practices. By joining forces, we aim to further enrich the festival experience for the audience and contribute.
Organisation name: Soċjeta’ Filarmonika La Stella
Country: Malta
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: This project aims to make a collaboration between composers from different countries to create a joint composition influenced by the culture from each composer’s country. This composition will then be performed by the La Stella Band and/or other partners.
Organisation name:Association of Independent Initiatives “PROGRES”
Country: Poland
Call: European Cooperation Projects (Small Scale)
About the project: The project would involve the organization of musical events in the genre of progressive rock in various European countries in order to promote this music. Preferably in the form of festivals, where, in addition to the most important music, they should be accompanied by attractive supporting projects (such as painting exhibitions, photo exhibitions, promotion of music and book publications, etc. It should be emphasized that these would be interdisciplinary projects, combining various fields and cultural environments.
Organisation name: Dürer Kert
Country: Hungary
Call: European Cooperation Projects (Small Scale)
About the project: The “Rock mEU” project is dedicated to the advancement of the European popular music sector. The project’s activities are concentrated on two core areas: equipping young musicians with the abilities and prospects they require to connect with new audiences, and fostering the musical literacy of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The objective of these capacity-building activities is to cultivate a comprehensive support system for young, aspiring musicians in Europe. The project’s objective is to enhance the self-marketing and promotional abilities of these musicians, expand their reach, and cultivate an environment of mental well-being within this highly competitive field.
Organisation name:Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Developing new projects to search for new and old audiences, opening the activity of the institution to all sides of society, using the digitalization as a tool to offer the music to wider audiences locally and out of our area of activity. Increase the mobility of the musicians in the orchestras.
Some proposals for activities could be: chamber music concerts in senior citizen centres, activities to promote music to address cognitive problems, collaborations between citizen choirs and orchestras.Organisation name:Association Alternativa
Country: Croatia
Call: European Cooperation Projects (Small or Medium scale)
Which kind of projects are you looking for? We are seeking projects aimed at strengthening the music scene and promoting independent musicians, with a particular focus on the alternative music scene. Specific activities of interest include organizing concerts, music publishing, promotion, and tour booking. Furthermore, we are open to networking and participating in knowledge exchange, as well as sharing our experiences, to collectively contribute to the development of the independent music scene.
Organisation name: Sud Sonico
Country: Italy
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: – AVANT Festival: avantgarde music boutique festival, a platform local and international aggregation and an infrastructure for music tourism;
– AVANT Learn: modern music management training program for students, artists, and music operators; -Musica Etica: music-benefit event aiming to raise donations for worldwide humanitarian and environmental purposes.Organisation name:La Trompette
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project:Creation of a core of cultural life focused on art and music that brings together emerging French, European and international artists and musicians to promote a relaxed, high-end, friendly experience in cities and rural communities. The project will transform Perpignan into a center of talent for emerging international artists and musicians.
Organisation name: Eesti Arnold Schönbergi Ühing (Estonian Arnold Schoenberg Society)
Country: Estonia
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? The Estonian Arnold Schönberg Society is interested in cooperation in projects that would in one way or another connect with and expand the society’s current activities: 1) to make a teaching of musical composition a part of general music teaching; 2) microtonal music project; 3) Benin Traditional Music Project; 4) collecting, systematizing and defining the concepts of contemporary music, creating and organizing Estonian-language contemporary music terms, and publishing the results of its work; 5) experimental musical instruments project.
SCENOS MENAI | Užsienio organizacijų užpildytos partnerių paieškos formos
Country: Italy
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Across the performing arts the possibilities for gen Z to be part of the system with their voice and their capability of innovative arts form are often rejected from the system. Mainly integrating new media and standing for the rights of minorities and sustainability of the planet, the path of this talented new wave of artists is often marked by many barriers. The project will support gen Z of artists and curators to advance and stand with their voices in the contemporary performing arts sectors.
Organisation name: L’HORTA TEATRE
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Performing arts, education, social inclusion, disadvantages groups, projects aimed at child audience.
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Performing arts, cultural heritage, visual arts, arts and technology, cultural events and festivals organization and management, presentation of classical arts and contemporary art programmes, organization of contemporary art exhibitions, museum education programs.
Organisation name: PiciordePlay
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? – Art performing projects;
– Projects looking to use premium access technology to expand the reach of their impact despite physical distance and time restrictions;
– Initiatives that propose cultural programs and activities for people from different social backgrounds, especially people in a situation of social vulnerability;
– Projects looking to archive performances.Organisation name: CENTRUL CULTURAL APOLLONIA HIRSCHER, BRASOV
Country: Portugal
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Depending on the project to be developed, our participation can take various forms: 1) Development of residency programs, laboratories and workshops: preferably in the field of contemporary dance, performing arts, but can also include music and/or visual arts; 2) Organization and hosting of meetings / programmatic cycles related to the topic to be investigated; 3) Creation projects: may focus on different artistic languages and take on different formats, depending on what will be defined. Our most developed area of activity is contemporay dance/performing arts, but alongside more conventional projects, we have a particular taste for exploring hybrid formats and with multidisciplinary teams: site-specific walking performances, video, laboratory-workshops.
Organisation name: Théâtre de La Massue
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project:We are looking for partners and a leader to set up an international cooperation project, on the Creation and International Circulation axis, around an initiating academy aiming at highlighting the Puppetry Arts, their diversity and their richness, throughout Europe.
Organisation name: Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb
Country: Croatia
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Projects that deal with subjects from our field of expertise or similar, such as: new and edgy artistic creations, young emerging artists,disabilities, ethnic minorities, active citizenship, social innovation, cohesion, social inclusion, capacity building for young emerging artists…
We would be interested in becoming partners within the projects that are:
a)raising the contemporary questions of sustainability and diversity, b) fostering the dialogue between art and science, c) empowering the cultural sector by providing a space to reflect on its current situation and possible futures.Organisation name: City Palace of Culture named after Shabelnyk Oleksiy Andriyovych
Country: Ukraine
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: International Theater Festival. The Berdychiv International Theater Festival is a large-scale cultural project that will bring together theater groups from Ukraine and abroad to promote theatrical art, preserve cultural heritage and develop intercultural dialogue.
Organisation name: Théâtre de Macouria, Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national – Art en territoire
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project:We aim to establish an inter-regional residency program that facilitates collaboration between artists from the Global North and South. This initiative seeks to overcome cultural isolation and promote cultural diplomacy by enabling creators to develop their projects in their home countries, while inviting artists from partner regions to collaborate.
Organisation name: no strings attached UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Country: Germany
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Code & Character: Break the Binary Code with Digital Puppets – This workshop blends digital puppetry, gaming technologies, and improv theatre to challenge traditional gender norms and stereotypes.
Organisation name: OneTwoMany Collective
Country: Hungary
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Our proposed collaboration project continues our mission of establishing a contemporary circus platform for touring, promotion, professionalisation and audience developement in the Central-Eastsern European region. We want to develop a tight network of regional artistic groups, producers, festivals, urban and rural venues to promote contemporary circus arts and bring it to new audiences.
Organisation name: CentreStage Malta
Country: Malta
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: The project involves sharing of experiences and best practices through the organization of intensive workshops focusing on Musical Theatre, Dance, and Acting. The project will span for duration of two years. This comprehensive programme aims to provide participants with a holistic understanding of performing arts while fostering practical skills and historical knowledge.
ŠIUOLAIKINIS MENAS; TARPDISCIPLININS MENAS IR VIZUALIEJI MENAI | Užsienio organizacijų užpildytos partnerių paieškos formos
Organisation name: PRZEKRÓJ Foundation
Country: Poland
Call: European Cooperation Projects (Small Scale)
About the project: The aim of the project is to establish, develop and strengthen cooperation between professional and amateur artists and creators from the three partner countries. Those participants will represent different age and culture groups and coming from various environments, as the purpose of the initiative is to bring together different generations and groups of people to connect them, so they can learn from each other, inspire one another, and build something together from the scratch. The goal is to promote and strengthen social integration in through culture and art, as well as through intercultural dialogue.
Organisation name: Underdogs – Comércio e Produção de Artigos Decorativos Lda
Country: Portugal
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? We seek to participate in projects within the field of contemporary arts, particularly those involving interdisciplinary interactions between visual arts, art installations, urban interventions, and exhibitions that foster audience engagement and democratise art. Our interests include developing themes such as art and community, participation, and the creation of artistic objects that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. Our core values are rooted in diversity, encompassing social, racial, and artistic dimensions.
Organisation name: Iminente
Country: Portugal
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? We’re looking to be part of projects that work in the field of contemporary arts, especially disciplinary crossings between visual arts, performance and music, which promote relationships with audiences. We are interested in developing topics such as art and community, participation and the creation of artistic objects that cross disciplines. Our basic values are linked to the diversity of artists and audiences in social, racial and artistic terms.
Organisation name: Foundation Centre for Photography
Country: Poland
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Visual arts / co operation of organisations.
Organisation name: UGM / Maribor Art Gallery
Country: Slovenia
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Project of collaboration with focus on visual arts, international festivals, mobility, education, interdisciplinary arts, cultural heritage, architecture, performances, projects focusing on the intersection of art, environment, nature, all kind of projects connecting various levels of artistic production and audience engagement.
Country: Poland
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? The organisation is looking forward to participating in initiatives focusing on contemporary arts, music projects, theatre, contemporary dance, and the interdisciplinary interactions of community engagement.
Organisation name: ATENEUL NATIONAL IASI (Iasi National Athenaeum)
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Visual arts, cultural heritage, international festivals, photography, architecture, design, arts and technology, performative arts.
Organisation name: MãoSimMão Cultural Association
Country: Portugal
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Abuot the project: GRAVE, an outdoor sound installation created by pianist and trans-disciplinary artist Simão Costa (Portugal), reimagines pianos at the end of their life by placing them in natural, rural, or urban environments where they generate sound autonomously through innovative electromechanical induction devices. Without human intervention or conventional tuning, these pianos produce ethereal, out-of-tune melodies, reflecting the intersection of art, nature, and time.
Organisation name: Avant Art Foundation
Country: Poland
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: A platform connecting organizations from Central and Eastern Europe active in the cultural sector, particularly in experimental and independent art and culture. It brings together NGOs, private initiatives, interdisciplinary cultural spaces, collectives, and micro-organizations involved in cultural events, including educational and social activities. The main goal is to support partners by fostering community and partnership, implementing innovative cultural practices, sharing knowledge and experience, and promoting cross-border collaboration.
Organisation name: Compagnie Nomades
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Our aim is simple: to bring cultural events for families and schoolchildren to our region, particularly in rural areas where few local authorities are able to offer their populations quality programming. In 2024, for the first time, we held a special day dedicated to Belgian artists, and we’re now looking to develop these international programs through artistic, cultural, ecological and educational partnerships. To this end, we’ll be proposing a school residency with a Cameroonian author/artist, continuing this day dedicated to Belgium, and looking for two or three other European partners as part of the Coopération 2025 call for projects.
Organisation name: Cobertura Photo
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Organisation name: Matiz Gallery
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: The project seeks to foster the international circulation of emerging European artists through traveling exhibitions in collaboration with galleries, museums, and cultural spaces across various countries. It will also include artist residencies, collaborative workshops, round table discussions, and the creation of a digital catalogue to promote sustainability and inclusive access to art.
Organisation name: MARe Foundation
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for?Projects that are related to the development of museums, to the organization of contemporary art exhibitions, to the dissemination of contemporary art throughout Europe, to the exchange of specialists and networking, to the organization of cultural events.
Organisation name: Manifesto
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: An artistic residency program (production and public program)
for European and African visual artists on Reunion Island, with
a indian ocean oriented regional impact.Organisation name: Halle Tropisme
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: We would now like to empower the ”Euro” in Euro-Africa Biennale, by developping year round programmes for visual artists from the African and European continents. The first step for us is to find partners across the European continent who share similar activities or interests. Hubs or companies that work with African artists and artists from African Diasporas, across different medias and with whom we could create on a rich and empowering exchange program.
Organisation name: MIK Association
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? 1) Interdisciplinary projects, creative labs, multidisciplinary festival, music & culture creation, artistic investigation; 2) Featuring a diverse range of music performances, professional lectures, high-quality daytime programs, rising designers, support for young musical talents, and unique cultural and musical experiences; 3) Mobility of artist, culture; 4) Promoting local designers, connecting local designers with international ones, sustainable fashion and clothing, establishing a designer hub
Organisation name: Landcommanderij Alden Biesen
Country: Belgium
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? We are interested in participating as a partner in European projects linked to culture, storytelling, music, heritage, education, informal learning. Our historical site, organization and experience can be a huge asset to your project.
Organisation name: Third Sector International
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? We are very interested in joining a project as a partner. Thanks to our expertise with young participants from Erasmus+ mobilities and our vast network of creative contacts, we can participate in projects that are related to arts and crafts, graphic design, illustration, organisation of exhibitions and/or cultural events, and cultural exchanges.
Organisation name: The Romanian Center for Documentary Photography
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Cooperation projects in fields such as photography, multimedia events/festivals, visual education, migration, and intercultural dialogue with a special Interest in the Black Sea Region.
BIBLIOTEKOS IR ARCHYVAI; MUZIEJAI IR PAVELDAS | Užsienio organizacijų užpildytos partnerių paieškos formos
Organisation name: DOBRUMBA Kft
Country: Hungary
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? We are looking for partners from all Creative Europe Programme countries who share our passion for cultural exchange and culinary innovation.
Organisation name: Agence de Développement et de Réservation Touristique du Pas-de-Calais
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: With this project, our first aim is to experiment on a European scale, with bringing together young people (secondary school pupils, apprentices, jobseekers and students) around experience, creativity and the culinary arts through a design approach that encourages intergenerational exchanges. We see art and design as vectors for passing on culinary knowledge between generations and for positioning a region’s culture. Secondly, we want to reflect on and co-construct with European partners who share common challenges in terms of tourist appeal and share best practice in culinary tourism.
Organisation name: The County Library ”Duiliu Zamfirescu” Vrancea
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Innovation in libraries, cultural hubs, children and seniors education in libraries, training activities for librarians, training volunteers, digital inclusion, advocacy and awareness, local community projects.
Organisation name: State Jewish Theatre
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Gather talented actors with European Jewish heritage and promote the transnational mobility of artists and cultural professionals. Immerse them in the diverse world of Jewish performing arts across different countries in Europe, encouraging the transnational circulation of their creations. Let’s craft a diverse and inclusive cultural experience that captures the essence of Jewish heritage.
Organisation name: Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška
Country: Slovenia
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Contemporary Visual Art, Ecology and Sustainability, Socially Engaged Art and Photography, Education, Equality, Socio-political themes etc.
Organisation name: Fundación Tres Culturas /Three Cultures Foundation
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Projects that work with culture as a means to approach people, to make citizens take part in the actions and be more conscious about the role of culture, craftsmanship and heritage in any society. Projects addressed to professionals working with culture and topics such as audience development and the management of culture and its economic impact. We are open to explore new fields of action and specially to innovation and experimentation.
Organisation name: Fundatia Transilvania Trust
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Any.
Organisation name: Digital cooperation association
Country: Tunisia
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: We aim to preserve the authenticity of musical works by developing a deepfake detection tool. This project will create a blockchain-based platform that ensures the integrity of cultural heritage. By leveraging advanced technology, we will safeguard the authenticity of cultural assets and promote trust within the community.
Organisation name: Communauté de communes Marche occitane-Val d’Anglin (MOVA)
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Project that link Culture and Nature that favor the diffusion of culture in untypical settings.
Organisation name: Municipality of Amfikleia – Elateia
Country: Greece
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Cultural heritage, ancient history – archeology, visual arts.
Organisation name: Fundatia Transilvania Trust
Country: Belgium
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: The project aims to document and safeguard the intangible heritage values of silence in monasteries and abbeys. Special attention is given to monastic sign language as a tangible way to experience silence. Additionally, we aim to connect this to mental well-being and the contemporary need for silence in society. At the same time, silence can lead to exclusion, as those who are deaf or hard of hearing often struggle to be inclusively involved in a group or community. Therefore, we aim to involve deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals in the project. The intangible heritage of silence in a monastic context thus serves as a lever for both mental well-being and the inclusion of the deaf and hard of hearing.
Organisation name: Didark. Didáctica y Cultura
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Cultural heritage, visual arts, literature, architecture, arts and technology, archaeology, sound and music, education.
Organisation name: „Vasile Pârvan” Museum of Bârlad
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Cultural heritage (tangible and intangible heritage – ethnographic field), Education through culture, cultural initiatives in order to valorize and promote local heritage and local identity of rural or urban community: exhibitions, creative workshops regarding customs and local traditions, roundtables, debates.
Organisation name: OCRE, Mozota, Zaragoza
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Music, sustainability, festivals, digital culture, innovation, cultural activism, arts and crafts, cultural tourism, social
inclusion, digital management.Organisation name: Asociatia ESCU
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Medium-sized project BALNEO ROOTS 360°: European baths and beyond – an immersive revitalization of built cultural heritage, communities, stories and legends.
ARCHITEKTŪRA; DIZAINAS; LEIDYBA | Užsienio organizacijų užpildytos partnerių paieškos formos
Organisation name: Association pour l’écologie du livre
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project:Our aim is to develop cooperation between professionals in the book sector to reinforce resilience, to preserve independence and develop bibliodiversity.
Organisation name: Storiedichi Edizioni
Country: Italy
Call: Circulation of European Literary Works
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Picture books and illustrated books coming from the following countries: Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Czech Republic, Estonia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Cyprus,
Malta. -
ŽALIASIS TVARUMAS; SOCIALINĖ ĮTRAUKTIS; NAUJOSIOS TECHNOLOGIJOS; KOMUNIKACIJA | Užsienio organizacijų užpildytos partnerių paieškos formos
Organisation name: Fundación Tres Culturas /Three Cultures Foundation
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Projects that work with culture as a means to approach people, to make citizens take part in the actions and be more conscious about the role of culture, craftsmanship and heritage in any society. Projects addressed to professionals working with culture and topics such as audience development and the management of culture and its economic impact. We are open to explore new fields of action and specially to innovation and experimentation.
Organisation name: Aye Cultura Social
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Cultural projects that involve equality, stop racism, immigration, ecologism, human rights, transversal and multidisciplinary arts.
Organisation name: Signes de sens
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Signes de Sens is looking to partner with organizations to develop and experiment with innovative approaches to facilitate the transition towards an inclusive culture. This collaboration aims to work with artists with various disabilities to co-create instruments that can help them easily share their artistic work results with spectators and valorise its results.
Organisation name: ANELL MEDIAS
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Cultural projects for kids: Transmedia project which goal is to create a worldbuilding about biodiversity. The project will tackle the stakes of climate change and our connection to the living, through the eyes of four kids who can shapeshift into animals, plants, minerals, and elements.
Organisation name: Ephemeral Ethernal LDA
Country: Portugal
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Digital art and new media projects; Light and digital art festivals; Exhibitions and cultural programmes focused on digital art and new technologies; Production of artworks and installations.
Organisation name: Associacion Arte Sostenible
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Cultural heritage, museums, visual arts, cultural management, sustainability, education. Cultural initiatives aimed at addressing societal and ecological challenges.
Organisation name: Tectonica Cultural Association
Country: Spain
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Visual Arts, Equality, Rural, Sustainability, Cultural management.
Organisation name: Tectonica Cultural Association
Country: Greece
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? We are looking to be partners in projects where we can contribute with our methodologies on how to apply novel low-dimensional materials like graphene in the conservation/preservation/restoration of cultural heritage. We specialize in the preparation of protective membranes, artistic paints, sensors and 3D-printed composite materials
Organisation name: LE PHARE À LUCIOLES
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: We want to work on a new model of artistic residencies to host artists with their family. We need partnerships to develop and create this new model with cooperation, mutualisation and production. We want to ameliorate the host conditions of the Europeans artist, working with partners in a new description with long period of work, relationships with the territories and the inhabitants and a real grant to take care of the salary of the artists and their teams.
Organisation name: Turku University of Applied Sciences, Arts Academy, Film and Media
Country: Finland
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project:Ethically Sustainable Inspired use of Generative Artificial Intelligence for young and midcareer visually creative talents (INSPIRAI) to foster ethical sustainability in applying gen AI in visually creative work by finding ways to consider the ethical use of gen AI throughout the creative process.
Organisation name: Synapseis AMKE
Country: Greece
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Cultural heritage, cultural education and capacity building, social innovation in culture
Organisation name: Nouvelles Formes
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Art and technology projects: getting artists, researchers and designers to work with IT developers.
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: The aim of the project is to combine social and cultural issues in order to: 1) Promote social and professional inclusion through art and creation.
2) Strengthen cultural democracy by making artistic practices accessible to all.
3) Create inclusive intergenerational initiatives to forge social links.
The project will include participatory workshops, local artistic residencies and cultural events co-created with local residentsOrganisation name: RNMH
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: RNMH wishes to promote and support the development of accessibility to cultural practices and artistic creation for people with disabilities, through the implementation of a European accessibility label for all cultural venues and services required by these people. The main aim of this partnership is to make artistic practices fully accessible to people with disabilities.
Organisation name: Nuits des Forêts
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: The project aims to collect stories concerning the emotion with regard to forestry landscapes evolution in Europe with a sensitive and pluri-disciplinary approach including art, sciences, and human sciences.
Organisation name: Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship Center for Environmental Education
Country: Poland
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Performing arts, cultural heritage, visual arts, literature, architecture, arts and technology, other fields
Organisation name: Urban Boat
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: Our project aims to explore different artistic practices across European centers, study how these centers can evolve to better support and highlight the abilities of people with dis abilities, and, most importantly, encourage connections (which we hope we’ll last after the project) between artists or collectives and these centers. The goal is to present art as a genuine opportunity for “work” or, at the very least, as an activity that can positively impact individuals with disabilities, enhancing the quality of these practices. Additionally, we aim to create real artistic collaborations and encourage the emergence of new inclusive musical bands, which remain far too few outside Belgium.
Organisation name: O t’aim
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project:Inclusion of children from the Roma community in schools
through art education initiatives: continuation of our past 3 years action in 3 countries.Organisation name: Action Zoo Humain / The Artpome
Country: Belgium
Call: European Cooperation Projects
About the project: We want to organize a travelling city festival driven by the urge to create awareness about the European Convention on Human Rights. Our project “Circle 18” aims to revitalize the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) through art that touches, inspires, and raises awareness about human rights. Eighteen unique, mobile art installations creatively interpret the ECHR’s articles. These travelling pop-up locations appear in public spaces across (five) European countries, such as schools, squares, and cultural centers, fostering a participatory and local approach to human rights.
Organisation name: Rap Académie
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Cultural, Music, Arts, artistic and cultural education, professionalization in music.
Organisation name: Roads&Roots
Country: France
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Innovation – design thinking; Arts and research based creation; Young people
Organisation name: 23 Film
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Film production, audiovisual, training and capacity building, cultural projects, inclusion of minorities.
Organisation name: Artetra
Country: Romania
Call: European Cooperation Projects
Which kind of projects are you looking for? Leveraging innovative technology to preserve, showcase, and enhance cultural heritage, is interested in being a partner in projects related to cultural heritage, arts and technology, visual arts, art cooperation projects, metaverse, innovation tools and business models, NFT technology.
Tuščia partnerių paieškos forma
Jeigu turite idėją projektui, tačiau neturite užsienio partnerių šiam projektui įgyvendinti, užpildykite šią formą ir atsiųskite ją el. paštu
Mes pasidalinsime jūsų užpildyta forma su visais programos „Kūrybiška Europa“ nacionaliniais biurais, kurie savo ruožtu jas paviešins su savo auditorijomis – tai galiausiai gali išsivystyti į produktyvią užsienio partnerių paiešką.
Europos tinklai
Taip pat įsitinklinimas europiniame kontekste gali padėti susirasti partnerius, taigi rekomenduojame sekti Europos tinklų, skirtų skirtingoms kultūros sritims, veiklą ir tapti šių tinklų nariais.
Europos tinklų sąrašą galima rasti ČIA
„Kūrybiškos Europos“ finansuotų projektų duombazė
Rekomenduojame išsinagrinėti „Kūrybiškos Europos“ finansuotų projektų duombazę.
Joje galima lengvai pagal filtrus ir raktažodžius susirasti dominančios srities projektus. Ši duombazė gali padėti suprasti dėsningumus, kokio tipo projektai yra finansuojami.
Be to, ji gali pasitarnauti ir kaip užsienio partnerių paieškos įrankis, mat galbūt norėsite susisiekti su Jums patikusio projekto vykdytojais pasikonsultuoti ar pasiūlyti bendradarbiauti Jūsų projekte.